Nina Isakov


Hub Leader

My name is Nina. I gave birth to my gastro warrior Tara when I was 32 years old. This was my first pregnancy and at 12 weeks on ultrasound, gastroschisis was diagnosed. I gave birth at 36+6 to my little girl, on March 11, 2022. via c-section. She weighed 2,33 kg. She was operated on the same day, where the small intestine, stomach and right ovary were returned to her abdomen in one act. For the first 18 days, she was alone in neonatology. After that, I came to the hospital. After another 12 days, we left the hospital and went home.

The truth is that it is not easy to push through such a pregnancy when you know that something is wrong. A lot of uncertainty and stress until the birth and after that. However, this is not a reason to terminate the pregnancy. The support of family and friends helped me a lot to get through it all. And I have the greatest treasure today, my gastro princess.


Moje ime je Nina. Svoju gastro ratnicu Taru rodila sam s 32 godine. Ovo mi je bila prva trudnoca. U 12. nedelji na ultrazvuku bebi je dijagnostikovana gastroshiza. Rodila sam u 36+6 svoju devojcicu, na carski rez, 11.03.2022. godine. Imala je 2,33 kg. Isti dan je operisana, gde su joj u jednom aktu vratili tanko crevo, zeludac i desni jajnik u stomak. Prvih 18 dana bila je sama na neonatologiji. Nakon toga ulazim i ja u bolnicu. Pocinjemo sa ishranom sa mojim mlekom. Posle još 12 dana napustili smo bolnicu i otisli kuci.

Sustina je da nije bilo lako izgurati takvu trudnocu kad znate da nesto nije u redu. Mnogo neizvesnosti i stresa do porodjaja i nakon toga. Medjutim, gastroshiza nije razlog za prekid trudnoce. Podrska porodice i prijatelja mi je puno pomogla da sve to prebrodim. A ja danas imam najvece blago, moju gastro princezu.