Marija Sbutega

Croatia & Montenegro

Hub Leader

I am Maria and I am the mother of a brave and strong girl – Marla. At the regular check-up in the 12th week of the gynecologist’s pregnancy, he suspected gastroschisis, and after that I did additional tests that confirmed the diagnosis. From the very beginning, the gynecologist was extremely positive, he already had experience with the birth of babies with gastroschisis and explained to me further procedures and steps. The pregnancy was great and I didn’t go for any special extra tests.

After the first shock, since this was not my first pregnancy, my partner and I decided to thoroughly inform ourselves about everything related to gastroschisis. We had an appointment with a pediatric gastroenterologist and got useful information, we were in contact with a surgeon from the hospital where our baby was to be operated on after birth, we were in contact with the parent support department at that same hospital and everything we heard was it was very useful to prepare for everything that awaits us as parents and our little girl. Through an acquaintance, we came in contact with a mother who did a lot for the awareness of gastroschisis in Croatia and communication with her was very useful during pregnancy, but also later.

The pregnancy was regular and from the beginning only Marla’s intestines were out of her body. Marla was born in the 36th week after I came for a regular checkup and they then determined that it would be better to give birth by cesarean section right away. The pediatricians were ready at the hospital who took care of Marla and took her to another hospital where a team of surgeons and everyone else who took care of Marla was waiting. Marla was born on December 10h, 2021. weighing 1830 grams and 43 centimeters. On the same day, a bag with intestines was placed on her, and after 10 days when the intestines were lowered, she was operated on and her abdominal wall was closed and a small belly button reconstruction was performed. She was in intensive care for about a month and my milk started to be given to her in a small stroller 5 days after surgery. After a month in intensive care, she was transferred to the pediatric surgery department. I was in the hospital with her then and after 2.5 weeks she was released home. All the tests were fine, she was gaining weight, had regular stools and ate enough of my milk.

Marla, as I write this, is 6 months old – she is a cheerful and curious girl who does not look or behave differently from other children of her age.


Ja sam Marija i mama sam jedne hrabre i snazne djevojcice – Marle. Na redovnom pregledu u 12om tjednu trudnoce ginekolog je posumnjao na gastroshizu te sam nakon toga radila dodatne pretrage koje su potvrdile dijagnozu. Od samog pocetka ginekolog je bio izuzetno pozitivan, vec je imao iskustva s porodom beba s gastroshizom te mi je objasnio daljnje procedure i korake. Trudnoca je bila super i nisam isla na nikakve posebne dodatne pretrage.

Nakon prvog shoka, obzirom da mi ovo nije bila prva trudnoca, partner i ja odlucili smo se temeljito informirati o svemu vezanom za gastroshizu. Imali smo termin kod djecjeg gastroenterologa i dobili korisne informacije, bili smo u kontaktu s hirurgom iz bolnice gdje je nasa beba trebala da se operise nakon poroda, bili smo u kontaktu s odjelom za podrsku roditeljima u toj istoj bolnici i sve sto smo culo nam je bilo vrlo korisno za pripremu na sve sto ceka nas kao roditelje i nasu cerkicu. Preko poznanice smo dosli do kontakta jedne mame koja je puno napravila za svjesnost o gastroshizi u Hrvatskoj i komunikacija s njom je bilo vrlo korisna tijekom trudnoce, ali i kasnije.

Trudnoca je bila regularna i od pocetka su van tijela kod Marle bila samo crijeva. Marla se rodila u 36.tjednu nakon sto sam dosla na redovni pregled te su tada utvrdili da bi bilo bolje da me porode carskim rezom odmah. U bolnici su bilo spremni pedijatri koji su Marlu zbrinuli i odveli u drugu bolnici gdje je cekao tim hirurga i svih ostalih koji su se o Marli brinuli. Marla se 10. prosinca 2021. rodila s 1830 grama i 43cm. Isti dan joj je postavljena vrecica s crijevima, a nakon 10dana kada su se crijeva spustila operirana je i zatvorena joj je trbusna stijenka i napravljena mala rekonstrukcija pupka. Bila je u intenzivnoj oko mjesec dana, a moje mlijeko su joj poceli davati u malim kolicinama 5 dana nakon operacije. Nakon mjesec dana u intenzivnoj njezi prebacena je na odjel djecje hirurgije. Ja sam bila tada s njom u bolnici i nakon 2.5 tjedna je pustena doma. Svi nalazi i pretrage bili su u redu, dobivala je na tezini, imala redovne stolice i jedla dovoljne kolicine mog mlijeka.

Marla, dok ovo pisem, ima 6 mjeseci – vesela je i znatizeljna djevojcica koja nipocemu drugome ne izgleda niti se ponasa drugacije od ostale djece svoje dobi.