Lacey Brown


Hub Leader

Hello! My name is Lacey. Our Gastroschisis journey began when I was just 11 weeks pregnant with my son, Jack. Like most, we knew nothing about Gastroschisis and immediately began to do research on exactly what it was our little guy was dealing with and what we could expect as new parents. It was during this time I found Avery’s Angels. After finding Avery’s Angels, we finally felt as though we had some true support and quality information as we began to navigate this crazy journey. We found solace in knowing there were others going through similar struggles and cared enough to share those tough times with us. We cannot imagine navigating these times without the amazing support all throughout my pregnancy and hospital stay. Avery’s Angels has truly been a blessing from God and we cannot wait to share that blessing we received with others in need.

My water broke when I was 34 weeks along and our son was born less than 24 hour later. Jack was born with his large and small intestines out and was in the hospital for 27 days. His care was excellent and we are forever thankful for our amazing team of doctors and nurses.